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More games, and a faster website — Finlandia Casino begins cooperation with a well-known operator - Gambler Forever

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More games, and a faster website — Finlandia Casino begins cooperation with a well-known operator

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The partner site of,, has on several occasions recommended Finlandia Casino as a venue suitable for Finnish tastes. Now this blue and white heel is switching providers and games are continuing with the SkillOnNet operator. The new site has just been released, and at least at first glance, the mobile site in particular is running really smoothly!

With the new platform, Finns will have an even more comprehensive selection of games, as Finlandia Casino promises a catalog of more than 3,000 games, including daily jackpots and the latest live games. The gaming experience itself is improving with a faster website, and money transfers have been updated for Finns.

This is how Finlandia Casino’s Digital Manager Christoffer Grönlund comments: The gaming industry is developing rapidly, and we are very pleased to continue working with our technically first-class SkillOnNet partner. Having been in the gaming industry for a long time, one of the most important factors in our operations has always been to provide the best possible gaming experience for our customers.

And when it comes to blue and white, the sequel looks promising: We have always wanted to offer a place that suits Finnish tastes. With the new platform, we can give our customers even more local benefits and features, says Grönlund.

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